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The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) is an international association established in 1963 to foster professional and scholarly activities in the field of criminal justice. ACJS promotes criminal justice education, research, and policy analysis within the discipline of criminal justice for both educators and practitioners.

Providing a forum for disseminating ideas related to issues in research, policy, education, and practice within the field, ACJS attributes its success in creating this dynamic professional association to the composition of its membership.  As change expands the existing boundaries of the criminal justice field, ACJS is comprised of members from a variety of diversified backgrounds including:

  • Scholars who are international in scope and multidisciplinary in orientation,

  • Professionals from all sectors of the criminal justice system, and

  • Students seeking to explore the criminal justice field as future scholars or practitioners

Through the vital interchange of ideas among these groups, ACJS members develop and share knowledge about critical issues regarding crime and criminal and social justice. The ACJS 50th Anniversary Commemorative History Book was created for the 2013 ACJS Annual Meeting in Dallas, TX. To view the book, and to learn more about ACJS' rich history, click here.


ACJS has over 1,800 members, representing every state in the United States, many countries, and virtually every institution of higher learning with a criminal justice/criminology program. Members may also choose to connect with an area of interest by joining a Section.



There are currently thirteen (13) ACJS Sections.  Persons may join one or more Sections with their annual ACJS membership, renewal, or members can request to add a Section(s) to their existing membership by contacting the ACJS Manager at

List of Sections

Community College


Critical Criminal Justice

Drugs and Alcohol Research


Juvenile Justice and Delinquency

Law and Public Policy

Minorities and Women


Restorative and Community Justice

Security and Crime Prevention

Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship


ACJS provides online access from volume 1 of its two official journals, Justice Quarterly, the Journal of Criminal Justice Education, and Justice Evaluation Journal as a membership benefit. Institutional subscribers also receive online access from volume 1 of both journals. The online subscription for ACJS members also provides access to articles that are in line for publication through iFirst and a mechanism whereby members can obtain electronic notification as new articles and issues are published to the online system.

  • Justice Quarterly (ISSN 0741-8825) is an ISI ranked refereed, multi-disciplinary journal featuring articles that address issues of crime and criminal justice.  JQ provides articles using a range of qualitative and quantitative research.  JQ is a premier journal and it continues to be a major forum for crime-related scholarship, making it an essential part of any library's holdings. 

  • The Journal of Criminal Justice Education (ISSN1051-1253) is a premier journal providing a forum for the examination, discussion, and debate of a broad range of issues concerning post-secondary education in criminal justice, criminology and related areas. The aim of this journal is to enhance the quality of higher education in criminal justice and criminology.

  • The Justice Evaluation Journal aims to assess the efficacy and efficiency of crime reduction and prevention programs and policies instituted and funded primarily by local and national agencies. As governing bodies at national and local levels seek evidence -based assessment of their Criminal Justice programs and policies, the JEJ provides a forum for scholars and practitioners in Criminal Justice and related sectors to offer answers to fundamental questions of what works and what does not work, and why.

  • ACJS Today is the official online newsletter of the Academy, and it contains articles and book reviews applicable to the fields of criminal justice, criminology, sociology, and other related fields.


As the premiere Criminal Justice Sciences Association, ACJS is host to the industry’s elite annual meeting which is held nationally and provides hundreds of panels, seminars, and workshops. The ACJS Annual Meeting is an exciting vehicle to learn, grow, and network.


The ACJS Career Center is an online employment resource for job seekers and employers/recruiters. It is designed to efficiently advertise employment positions to a large constituency base of academics, researchers, and practitioners.


National Office
P.O. Box 960
Greenbelt, MD 20768-0960

1-301- 446-6300 (direct calls from within the US or calls from outside the US)
1-800-757-2257  (toll-free calls from within the US)


Executive Director: 

John L. Worrall,

Association Manager:

Letiscia Perrin, CMP, CAE,

© 2023 Conselho Nacional de Pericia Criminal e Judicial do Brasil

CNPJ: 33.521.352/0001-41. 06.138.172/0001-02.

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CNPJ: 42.378.137/0001-24

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