Missão Brasileira das Forças Internacionais de Paz da ONU Organização Intergovernamental
Instituto de Criminalistica e Ciências Policiais da República Federativa do Brasil
Conselho Nacional de Perícia Criminal e Judicial da República Federativa do Brasil
Instituto de Criminalística e Ciências Policiais no Brasil e no Exterior
LEI Nº 12.030, DE 17 DE SETEMBRO DE 2009
Lei Federal 9.307/96
REGISTRO FEDERAL USA: 87-3136108. 99-5136216.
Document Number: N17000009263. FEI/EIN Number: 81 - 5353074.
About the National Institute of Justice
NIJ is the research, development and evaluation agency of the U.S. Department of Justice.
We are dedicated to improving knowledge and understanding of crime and justice issues through science. We provide objective and independent knowledge and tools to inform the decision-making of the criminal and juvenile justice communities to reduce crime and advance justice, particularly at the state and local levels.
We accomplish our mission through the "Listen, Learn, Inform" model — we "listen" to the needs of the field; "learn" ways to meet those needs by funding research, development, and evaluation projects; and then "inform" the field of what we learned. Download and share a handout.
Listen —
Improving our ability to understand and respond to crime and justice challenges begins with listening to the field. NIJ regularly engages with criminal and juvenile justice researchers and professionals to learn from their expertise and gather information on what knowledge, tools, and resources are necessary to reduce crime and advance justice.
Input about crime-fighting successes, failures, and needs gathered directly from practitioners, policymakers, and researchers helps guide our research investments and standards development.
The research objectives for each of NIJ’s portfolios are determined also by:
Existing research.
The successes and struggles of programs undertaken by other federal agencies, including other Office of Justice Programs bureaus and offices.
Administration priorities.
Learn more:
Learn —
We invest in research across scientific disciplines to provide evidence-based knowledge to strengthen the justice system. Researchers, students, and justice professionals have the opportunity to apply for research and development funding through NIJ solicitations, fellowships, and challenges.
To support our strategic and overarching research goals, we develop strategic research plans on topics within crime and justice that span our three science offices. These plans build off of existing research; input from practitioners, policymakers, and researchers; and the priorities of Congress and the Administration.
We use two main mechanisms to implement research: funding external research and conducting intramural research.
Throughout this process, we follow widely accepted scientific processes and procedures to help ensure the validity and integrity of our research.
Learn more:
Forthcoming, Current, and Expired solicitations.
Inform —
NIJ’s scientific investments inform the national conversation on issues of criminal and juvenile justice and public safety. Evidence-based knowledge can lead to more effective justice policy and practices, new technologies, and better scientific techniques. We are committed to providing the justice community with the knowledge and tools necessary to reduce crime and advance justice.
The results of research projects are evaluated by external peer reviewers and NIJ’s own science staff.
After NIJ has evaluated the results of the funded research, it is disseminated through multiple channels as part of our mission to (1) give policymakers and practitioners the best available evidence to make decisions and (2) build knowledge that advances both science and practice.
In addition, awardees and NIJ scientists are encouraged and expected to publish results of their work in peer-reviewed journals.
Data resulting from research typically is submitted to National Archive of Criminal Justice Data. Making data available allows researchers to test each other's conclusions and possibly provide new conclusions.
NIJ-funded program evaluations also may be reviewed, rated, and posted to CrimeSolutions — an NIJ-funded project that uses rigorous research to determine what works, what doesn’t, and what’s promising.
We also strive to ensure eligible entities take advantage of our laboratory enhancement programs and the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs).
Learn more:
Program and Practice Ratings on CrimeSolutions.
Why and How — Strategic Planning and the Research and Development Process
Our long-term research agenda is founded on these strategic challenges. At the heart of our planning process is the need to balance the state of current research knowledge with the pressing needs of criminal justice practitioners and policymakers.
Learn about our Strategic Challenges and Research Agenda.
Our research and development process helps ensure that projects are relevant to the field and produce valid, actionable results.
Learn about our Research and Development Process.